Minggu, 30 Maret 2014


Kadang-kadang kita merasa jengkel pada suatu keadaan atau seseorang. This is some expression anger and annoyance

  1. It annoys me
  2. What a nuisance!
  3. She makes me mad
  4. I'm feed up with it
  5. What an idiot!
  6. I really hate him!
Berikut contoh penggunaannya dalam suatu percakapan,,Here we go!!

Ria : Oh,,,I feel bad today

Dian : What's wrong?,,

Ria : I got news that my cousin will comes to my house,,he's 9 years old,,and a naughty boy

Dian : Oh really?,,,

Ria : Yes, Once, he put rubbish in my locker,,,it was so smeel,. I really hate him.

Dian : What did you do then?

Ria : I reported it to his mother,and his mother was punish him by cleaning my locker

Dian : Oh! that's so bad

Ria : Yes, I must lock my locker when he comes later.

Dian : Yah that's right..you should do some prepare for him..but i think he feel sorry with you now and couldn't do the same again to you

Ria : Yes.. I hope..

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